Jim Fitzpatick

Expression of Self

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What does it mean to get things done?

This is a very loaded question with lots of areas to expand into. When we break down the question there are two main points or elements, “things” and “done”.

Firstly the “thing”. This can be any task that you require to be done. But not all things are required to be done. Which brings us to the point of why do the thing. What value does it bring to you? Value in this case is not what you may gain but can be released. Yes, the thing you want done maybe learning how to trade in stocks so you can make money on the side. Or the thing maybe painting a picture of your pet cat because it brings you joy. Both of these things are important but to you personal they both may not be required.

Now that we have an idea of what a “thing” is, what is “done”? This in some case’s will be much harder to answer. Painting a picture of the cat is done when you feel its done or you get bored working at it. Its a very safe thing to do. Learning to trade in stocks well that is a job in it’s self. You may never be finished learning but you maybe feed up doing it. And have lost a lot of money learning that you don’t want to be doing it in your spare time.

Having this idea of what done looks like for all the tasks will make it easier to come up with a definition of done for much harder tasks. So how does this work. Lets take the simple example of doing the washing up. Is the washing up “done” when all dishes, pots and pans are washed, dried and put away. Or is “done” when everything is washed, rinsed and neatly stacked on the draining board to air dry. For the task of doing the washing up both are valid definitions of done. And we make that decision with out even thinking about it.

So now we are able to decide what done looks like. It means we can answer the question that was first asked. What does it men to get things done? Firstly the “thing” been done we have to see it as been important. Why do it if not. Secondly we can workout what it looks like to be finished. This is important, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thirdly is starting. It may seem simple but if you have never painted a picture it’s not a simple thing to start. Your first picture will be bad. Which brings us nicely to the next point, perfection is the enemy of done. If you feel your painting of the cat should be prefect you will set the definition of done so high that its impossible for you to even start.

Starting is the hardest part of doing any task. Some of us have to learn that it’s ok not to be perfect. With time we get better or have a better understand of why we are doing something.

Wrapping up to finish a task, any task three things are need.

  1. The why. It makes me feel good, I can get a better holiday, Job. Whatever.
  2. What does done look like. I ran a mile, made in million in the markets, so on, so fort.
  3. Start. Put the pen to paper, sign up for that demo trading account.